Rich Haffey

For Oak Hills School Board

See my platform

About Me

I love Oak Hills! I am a second-generation graduate of Oak Hills High School and am proud to call this community my home. My wife, Wendy, and I have three sons who go to Oak Hills schools - a ten-year old who goes to JF Dulles Elementary and nine-year old twins who go to Springmyer Elementary. Our sons play many sports through Oak Hills Youth Athletics and I have served as an assistant coach for their soccer, basketball, baseball and track teams over the past couple of years.

I am passionate about our community and have been active in the community for many years. In addition to coaching my sons' sports teams, I serve on the Finance Committee for the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati. Also, I am the past Board Chair for Lighthouse Youth Services and currently serve on the Lighthouse Beacon for Youth Foundation. In the Oak Hills Local School District, I participated as a member of the Strategic Planning Team and attended every School Board meeting for the past year to educate myself on the key issues impacting the district. I hope to further my community involvement by serving on the Oak Hills Board of Education.

I would greatly appreciate your support and vote on November 2nd!

Rich Haffey Headshot

Haffey Family

Haffey Yard Sign

Dedicated to Ensuring a High Quality Education for Each and Every Student

The following 7 categories best describe my platform:

Strategic Plan

In the fall of 2019, the school district convened a group of administrators, teachers, students, parents and community leaders to create a strategic plan for the district. I participated in this work as one of the parents. This work has not yet been completed as it was halted due to Covid. The district plans to reconvene this group and to continue this work this fall. It is critical that the district have a strategic plan in place, and it is the responsibility of the school board to ensure that progress is made toward achieving that strategic plan. In addition, the school board and administration must work collaboratively with all stakeholders to update this strategic plan on a regular basis.

Early Literacy Programs

Early Literacy is vitally important to each child's development and has a significant impact on their future. I would like to see the district allocate more resources to early literacy programs. This could include offering expanded pre-school services and extending full-day kindergarten to all students. I understand that the district does not have the resources to fully fund these programs at this time, but I would like the district to create a plan and a timeline for implementing these programs in the future and to begin moving toward these goals.

Equitable Resources for All

One reason that I love Oak Hills is that the school district provides programs and resources for all students. Two student populations whose needs the district should continue to analyze in depth are students with special needs and students who are experiencing economical disadvantages. The district should conduct a full review of these student populations and identify additional strategies to help these students achieve their full potential. Some examples of these strategies are offering extended school year services and providing extra learning materials. Also, I believe the district should be able to accommodate the full spectrum of students with special needs in all of the schools within the district.


At Oak Hills, we are blessed to have high quality staff who are committed to the success of their students. From my time attending Oak Hills, I recall numerous teachers, coaches and administrators who had a profound impact on me. I am thankful for the lessons that I learned from them. One of my children has special needs, and my wife and I have worked with IEP teams at both Oakdale and JF Dulles. We meet with our IEP team regularly and have learned a great deal from them. Our experience has been truly collaborative and we are thankful for these IEP team members.

Through these experiences, I recognize that the quality of the staff is vital to the success of the district. The district must continue to work to develop its teachers and staff and to recruit the best teachers.

College and Career Readiness

Oak Hills High School offers a compelling array of curriculum choices leading to future careers through collaborative programs with the Great Oaks Career Campuses, the University of Cincinnati, and Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. These are in addition to 29 Advanced Placement classes, which provide opportunities for high school students to earn college credit. Continuing to support students in their quest to develop their readiness for future careers as well as expanding partnerships with local businesses to provide students with internships and job opportunities is key.


Technology and the ability of our children to leverage it will continue to grow in importance as we become more reliant on it in our society. The district must continue to invest in technology and provide opportunities for our students to utilize it in their course work.

Collaboration with Key Stakeholders

It is imperative for the district to seek feedback and input from key stakeholders within our community. These key stakeholders include students, parents, teachers, administrators, our parochial school partners, senior citizens, businesses, and all other members of our community. As a board member, I will explore ways to work with these key stakeholders so that we can all come together to do what is best for all of our kids.


Please reach out if you have any questions for me!